Nancy’s Scientology Story

Nancy’s Scientology Story

I am an ex-scientologist child, I was born, I grew up and I barely escaped with my life. When I say this you might be thinking of me escaping in a ninja outfit, from a high profile building, with men that look like they should be in the CIA chasing after me. This is not exactly what I mean, I am speaking metaphorically only. Yes, I would still be alive if I had remained in Scientology. However, I would be a mindless drone, in indentured...

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Miss Sieber’s Scientology Story

Miss Sieber’s Scientology Story

I was enrolled in Ability School at the age of 6. For those who don’t know, Ability School is a private school in Englewood NJ that is based on Scientology and the teachings of the tech for learning/studying. I spent my time there until the age of 15, and it ruined my life deeply. Of course at the age of 6, I had no idea what I was being put into. My mother thought she was doing the best for me, as all mothers would do. It didn’t...

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Karen’s Scientology Story – Why I am Against Scientology

Karen’s Scientology Story – Why I am Against Scientology

A letter to both Scientologists and non-Scientologists My name is Karen Wolff, formerly Karen Mitchell. I am 27 years old. I was born to Scientologist parents and raised in the Church of Scientology. I have spent thousands of hours studying and practicing its methods. I worked for the Church as both a volunteer and paid employee, occasionally, from 1992 to 1996. I joined the Sea Organization in January of 1997, and left in the fall of 2000. I...

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Janice’s Scientology Story

Janice’s Scientology Story

I was 5 years old when it happened. I grew up in one of their usual camps with my mother. To be honest, I didn’t understand most of it when it happened, and now that I look back to it on this day, I notice what happened to my mother. Is she really dead? Did they lie to me? So anyway my name is Janice Parker, daughter of [deleted by admin on request] ex Scientologist, now dead. One morning I got up at 5AM from the room I slept in with 3...

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Chris’ Scientology Story

Chris’ Scientology Story

I am an exscientology kid. My mom was a single parent and disillusioned with Christianity, as she understood it. She didn’t feel anyone was there to help her, but she persevered over adversity and became a professional and was able to raise all us kids. We rarely say her with all the overtime she got, but we saw her at least more then we did when she joined Scientology. She meets my stepfather in their field of profession. He was persuasive...

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Anonmom’s Scientology Story

I was involved in Scientology for about 4 years over 20 years ago. The last year I was in the Sea Org in LA before I escaped. This is based on my own writings from about a year after I left. The SO is a very intense place and I am still haunted by many bad memories. I want to write about the children raised in Scientology, especially the Sea Org when I was there. First some background. You probably know this stuff all too well. In Scientology,...

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