Our Stories
The net’s most extensive collection of personal accounts and real-life stories of young Scientologists.
If you’d like to submit your own experience, positive or negative, please contact submit@exscientologykids.com
If you’re submitting a statement anonymously, please indicate the pseudonym you’d like to use. We won’t alter your story in any major way, though we may clean up the punctuation a little. Outright Scientology story-bombing or blatant propaganda will be rejected.
It’s a shame that not everyone in the stories below can use their real names. If you want to know why many of these people have chosen to speak under a pseudonym, please read our privacy page.
If you’re interested in further reading, please check out the Personal Stories section on the http://exscn.net site
If you would like to contact the authors of these stories, please contact us, and we will do our best to pass your letter on.
Story Translations
Ex-Scientology Kids stories translated into other languages
Stories posted on other websites:
These are links personal stories and experences posted to other sites online
- Sabrina’s Story (link)
- Ryan’s Story (link)
- Sasha’s Letters (link)
- WrongPlaceRightTime’s Story (Forum Post)
Read interviews with Scientology kids! These interview questions follow a very specific format, and are taken from the Through the Door website. All the ex-Scientology kids here answer the same questions in their own way.
- Interview Tommy Gorman by Arnie Lerma (Forum Post)
- Lily Wood’s Interview
- RQPD’s Interview
- Spawn’s Interview
- Anonymous Interview
- Corky’s Interview
- Extra Quiet’s Interview
- Shoestring’s Interview
- Whoody’s Interview
Video Testimonials
Watch video testimonials from people who grew up inside.