As a side comment, I understand the attitude of Scn regarding gays: LRH didnt like them, so scientologists dont.
I remember a friend who asked me to sign a petition for the changing of the constitution in MI to redefine marraige to only be between a man and a woman.
I noticed that my friend, who is normally a sweet and wonderful person, really came accross as having the attitude that gays were somehow subhuman.
At that point, I realized that I used to have to same attitude. And that, really, I don't care anymore. If you wanna be gay, be gay.
But somehow I don't think those that stay in, will ever confront that it really doesn't make any difference whatsoever.
As a humorous aside, my new attitude is this:
Gay guys are great. The more gay men there are, the more women left for me. But lesbians should be bisexual. And into exhibitionism.