Re: Vladivostok Org
Here are two more write ups of the hard working Vladivostok Org. Also very many pictures. Sorry about the not so good english translation.
Their original property burned down, but they are very busy building again.
One can't keep these Vladivostokians down!
We won the grant for the project "Sun energy instead bake smog"!
This is a first level grant for 700$, the fund officers said, with our plans we save the real hope for the next level grant for 3000$ this summer and we want to continue the game for three level grant, to 5000$.
In short, the idea is: we can warm the water by sun and use it for warm the house and warm water in it. This is not a new idea, but the stats of (sun-water) batteries rise in the world very markedly few years ago. There are:
15 millions of square meters of the batteries in the world,
include 5 millions in China,
1 million in Japan and for compare -
5000 sq. m in Russia, the last one
include 3000 - in Krasnodar region, (the same latitude with Primorie) and for compare -
only 120 sq. m in Primorie!
(BTW, there are the big governmental program of sun energy in Germany.)
It is too expensive, about 300$ for sq. m, for our house we need about 15 m and this is not real for us and for all other public.
With our project we want down this price to 100$ for sq. m, build the batteries on our house and than start the Big Promotion Program. So, our friends, made the batteries, could take a credit and set up the factory for the batteries, and the price down more with the number of it.
The goal is - price of batteries, comparable with the price of coal for 2 years. This is very possible! Of course, our project have a great success in fund, in some newspapers, radio and TW programs.
And the next level project we name "Ecological house in Vladivostok", this is something about conceptual model of such house. Last year we bought the house on the hill in the central part of our city. Vladivostok is a city of hills-mountains and our street is the highest street in Vladivostok, we see about a half of our city under our place. We see the smog under us, but there are a lot of birds and butterflies in our garden. It was the picture of a place, now - the idea.
We want to live in the central part of the city and "in the nature". We want stop our dependence of "the government" and of it's our very usual problems with water, warm, electricity, canalization and garbage nets and so on. In reality this is the reactive mind problem, you know.
We already drilled to 40 m deep for water and we have our natural water (very good analysis). We want warm the house with sun and we have some ideas about wind-station for electricity. We want to establish our garden and kitchen-garden with the tech of our good friend and the writer Nik Kurdumov from Krasnodar. His tech is: establish with his ideas and than only take off the harvest, it's for us;-).
We want set up the hothouse and eat our vegetables around the year. We want set up the Detox program in our sauna (May, 1), we want rent the rest of our hill and set up a good garden for all city (for fund money and volunteers job, why not?;-)). In future - garden for all city over the city - it will be very good promotion for our Org!
We want build the next floor on our house and it will be something about aquarium of steel and glass, without water. And there will be the sun batteries on the housetop. And all city will see our house over the city. And in our handouts we'll write: aquarium with sun batteries on the hill over the city, welcome!
And all our project include the Big PR Program. And (you already guess;-)) in all our texts we'll pull the basic idea: any ecology starts with an ecology of the mind!
We can't say in our papers about scientology now, so we'll disseminate it the way we can. We have a lot of ideas about New Civilization game, this is really our good game and we start it!
Much love, Andrey Nor, Vldivostok
Model ecodom (ecological house) in Vladivostok
We want set up the model, collect a lot of tech and show the possibility live in the city center, but “on the nature”.
In the very beginning I won the grant, bought and set up the sun batteries and in an exchange for the grant made very good promotion of this sun warm collectors. There was more than 10 papers in newspapers, 7 TW programs (1 to all Russia), we made the Internet site, I run a lot of dissemination and so on. I became the member of Ecological Council in our city, we had a talk with our mayor and now I have the hearsay, he want put $600 000 to set up the production line of this batteries!
Two years before there were no sun collectors in Vladivostok, can you imagine! And of course, to tell the true, I started all the program with only goal – disseminate scientology!
Now we continue the next program: "The model ecological house in Vladivostok". Our house take place on the top of the biggest hill in the center of a city and the most part of the city can see it.
Our house has own bore to 40 meters for water, it have very small volume of garbage (we use organic for compost, scrap the paper, wood, metal and plastic), we want set up a lot of details, it's "clever house in Bill Geits style": computer will control the temperature, the water, the ventilation and so on.
Here in Vladivostok we have many companies, building and delivering different services for private houses. We call sponsors for this project and it seems very possible, they have a big interest to such promotion and to such model for their prospects.
So, we want to be known for all our city! They will see it, speak about it, take part in the project. They will like it, they will create the same houses. And they’ll ask: who live in this house, who create this clever idea? And we’ll answer: scientologists!
I wrote this text few years ago. In this year 2011, May, 12, fire completely destroyed our house, you can see photos here: All that was a big lost – but now we see, that in total, this situation gave us much more profits, than losses. We really wake up and started to build the new house for our Org, it will be three times more, than old one, and it will be really very good new house! We will buy or print all new books, and we know, how fulfill the house with new peoples!
Our ecological project continued too, it will be the passive house, it will need no external warm, and of course, we will do a lot of PR about it! We will put on the roof in this year!
The website for our internet Org.