Contact Us

We’ll take email from just about everyone: Scientologists, non-Scientologist, ex-Scientologists, media and the general public. Criticisms, praise, content contributions and site ideas are all welcomed. Any email sent to site admins is kept strictly confidential. We do not give out your name, email address or IP address to anyone, period. If you’d like us to publish the contents of your email on the site, please *specifically indicate* that in the body of your e-mail. Otherwise, our lips are sealed.

Unless, that is, you’re writing to harass us, spam us, or threaten us, in which case we’ll post your information all over the internet for the world wide web to laugh at. We repeat: if you threaten us, we will first document it, then we will turn it over to law enforcement along with your IP and contact information, and then we will mock you in public. Got that? You have been warned.

Comments or questions are welcome.